party exclusively for TVs free of charge. Let the mem- bers come dressed in male or female clothes. I think that the more timid ones would gain confidance after meet ing the more bold ones and eventually would want to at- tend the parties and spend vacations in the right clothes. This might be the answer to her disappointment.
Personally I would like to meet a an understanding lady very much for I must admit I am very lonely at times. Am 52 years old and have been a TV since the age of 11 or 12, can't remember exactly. My deep gratitude to you for having had the courage to start your publication. If I can help in any way please let me know.
Sincerely yours, Marcelle, Calif.
Dear Editor:
It has been my pleasure in life to meet quite a few Tvs like myself, except that most of them differ from one another in many ways such as some are gay, some like bond- age and paddling, others love to be dressed in leather or rubber. But mostly all I have known have been true TVs, loving high heels, sheer long hose, pretty dresses etc. Some TVs frown on others if they stray from the straight and narrow path of just dressing like a woman. Here I am going to be very plain and say; I think we should all stop and think of our strong desire to dress up in pretty finery and stop censoring others who have desires just as strong for other things while enjoying the art of being a TV at the same time. I know some very wonder- ful and kind people who would never think of doing harm to any one and are good citizens in real life. What I am trying to say is let's all be good sports and not con- demn others who have special desires beyond being a TV. I consider myself a good sport in all these things even though I have never practiced anything but being a TV at home. I never go out in public as a woman, but love pretty lingerie, high heels and long sheer nylons.
I don't know if the editor will think my letter too bold to print, but if he does; I hope you all will know that you have a true friend in Rita and she loves you all.